

September 24, 2014

“He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him—not for my earning it, but] for His name’s sake.” – Psalm 23:3 Amplified Bible

This scripture recently pierced through my heart.  Psalm 23 is a passage normally read at funerals and one I personally often overlook and think very little about.  But this scripture was read in our women’s group recently and it hit me hard.  Our God is still in the business of restoring and refreshing our lives.  Even mine.

Here is what I realized about being restored.  To be restored means you actually have to STOP before God and invite Him to restore you.  Just as you can’t have your brakes changed in a drive-through car repair shop, so too with God you have to STOP and give him the time and space to refresh and renew you.  That is super hard, right?  Why can’t God just renew us in the quick five minute devotional that we throw him daily… most days?

So after a CRAZY year that God has given us I have made an executive Prince family decision and we are going to MAKE SPACE during the last half of this year to rest and restore.  We are going to open up our lives, get away and invite God truly into us to make us new and whole.  No drive by hail-Mary prayers for us, but together we are really going to seek Him for restoration.  We are getting away, we are going on outings, we are praying more, sleeping more, and just looking for HIM more.

So how can you too open your life for restoration and refreshment?  Our God is in the restoring business but we have to come and give him the space.  Invite Him in.